
Account Access / Sign In
To sign into the Aqueduct platform simply click the "Sign in" button which is the rightmost button in the navigation bar at the top of your screen.
Reset / Obtain Your Password
If you've forgotten your password or have had an account created for you and you need the password, simply go to the "Sign in" page and click "Forgot password?"

Maintenance and Asset Management

Intro to Maintenance Module
The Maintenance Module is the home of Assets and the Maintenance Plans/CMMS. Here you can track your assets and their comprehensive Work Order history.
Creating an Asset

Assets are the building blocks in the Maintenance Module. Each asset is a piece of infrastructure or equipment that warrants monitoring for maintenance and condition.

Each asset's page will show you useful maintenance, cost, location, and historical information about that asset as well as serve as a hub for all associated work orders, images, and notes. Creating assets is simple as this video will demostrate.

Creating a Maintenance Plan
Maintenance Plans create repeating assignable and schedulable Work Orders to ensure preventatibe maintenance is performed on your assets according to their schedule.

Water Quality

Creating an Analyte
Analytes are the building blocks for water compliance sampling. Check out this short video that shows you how to create them.
Creating an Analyte Group
Analyte Groups make compliance sampling easier by keeping track of which analytes are required for a given sample and storing their lab results. Check out this short video that shows you how to create them.

Process Control

Intro to Process Control

The Process Control Module is where we create, manage, and collect daily operator logs, bench sheets, as well as other forms of recurring data (weekly readings etc.)

To determine what we're measuring and when, we start by creating points of measurement and their containing Facilities and then define the collection parameters at each point.